08 Mar Feasting On Your Fast
One of the consistent remarks I hear each year during Rice & Beans Month is how it forces you to try new recipes. It is interesting that simplifying our diets leads us to expand and stretch our cooking skills and taste buds. Many cultures around the world eat rice and beans in various combinations, and the result is a seemingly endless selection of unique, delicious, and exotic recipes. Although many of the “simple” meals we eat this month are not exactly the kinds made by the East African families we are remembering, the element of intentional connection is still present.
Who knew solidarity could taste so good?
I love what India wrote on her blog about Dan’s Ginger & Zucchini Beans recipe (pictured above).
“I’m surprised by my delight over this simple meal. It’s really very good. Why don’t I choose this as my birthday or other celebratory meal? I really like it. Where do I get the idea that fancy, expensive food is better?”
At times this month can feel like feasting more than fasting. Not only can our meals be delicious, but also deeply satisfying for our bodies and our souls.
What recipes are you feasting on this month?
We would love to feature them in the recipes section of the website. Submit your favorite recipe, along with a great photo of the finished dish, to info@eatriceandbeans.com. Be sure to mention where the recipe is from, or let us know if it is an original creation.