05 Mar Food, Fun, & Fellowship in Rwanda
Our ministry partners in Rwanda serve vulnerable families in and around the city of Kigali. The long-lasting impacts of the 1994 genocide are still tangible in this small country and are now combined with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has been especially harmful to people already living with the risk factors of poverty. Our ministry partners at ERM-Rwanda have worked with local authorities to gain clearance for moving about the city, even during times of strict lockdowns, in order to deliver emergency food relief to families hovering at the edge of survival. These home visits were hope-filled and kept families from starvation, and yet the positive impact of gathering the children together at the church for shared meals on program days was greatly missed.
The following photos were taken at one of their first program day gatherings after an extended time apart, Although not visible in the photos, Rice & Beans Month participants (like you) are definitely present! By eating in solidarity with these precious kids and sharing our savings, we helped to fund emergency food relief that supported families through many phases of the pandemic, as well as helping to provide the food you see piled on the kids’ plates as they were finally able to gather together again.
Nutrition is a critical part of the holistic care Lahash seeks to provide for these kids, and the fun and fellowship are vital components as well! Program days are a chance for the ERM-Rwanda staff to see the children and assess how they’re doing physically and emotionally. The kids can connect with each other and with caring adults for play, Bible teaching, practical lessons, prayer, worship, and of course a plentiful meal. The goal is for the kids to head home with full bellies and full hearts, knowing they are part of a wider community that loves and values them.
It takes our entire Lahash community of staff, child sponsors, donors, and Rice & Beans Month participants to make all this possible for the kids. We are extremely grateful for the ways God uses our compassion and commitment to transform the lives of vulnerable children at ERM-Rwanda and across East Africa!