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This year marks the 12th time that the Lahash community has set aside March as Rice & Beans Month. By God's grace, some of the children who were among the first to benefit from our collective efforts are nearly young adults! This month, we are...

Full Scripture Passage: I Peter 1:3-7Key Verse: “By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Thinking back over the past year and all the ways it changed your life, what...

When you think about “doing chores,” what is the first word that pops into your mind? More than likely, it is a word other than “joy.” But at a plot of land owned by Grace & Healing Ministry just outside Dodoma, Tanzania, chores and joy...

Stacy Nelson and her little boy, Emrick, often cook dinner together at home. Their family has loved participating in Rice & Beans Month as a way to eat in solidarity with the children they sponsor through Lahash. Stacy had the unique experience of traveling all...

In the remote village of Busoka, Tanzania, rainfall is scarce and unpredictable. Families are quite poor, struggling constantly to secure food and the basics of survival. Many do not own land and have not had training in farming techniques on any scale. The spiritual landscape...

After experiencing how it changed her own family at home, a Lahash sponsor sees firsthand the profound impact of Rice & Beans Month for another family on the other side of the world. In the small town of Shinyanga, Tanzania, children are most often seen playing...

by Jen Johnson Nutritious food is the best way to satisfy a hungry child’s stomach. Add the right ingredients, and it can fill their hearts up, too. If you happen to be in Dodoma, Tanzania, and pop in to Iringa Road Church on a Friday afternoon, you...

The Shinyanga region of Tanzania is known for unpredictable rainfall, meager food and resources, and traditional beliefs that center around witchcraft. Path of Hope Children’s Ministry was started in this region because its founders were moved by the physical and spiritual poverty they saw in...