Our simple meals are having a big impact! In Tanzania a lunch program is targeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable kids struggling with the effects of HIV. As their diets improve so does their health. Virginia Whitney, a Physicians Assistant from Oregon, experienced the results of...

The money raised through Rice & Beans Month is helping create greater food security in vulnerable communities across East Africa through sustainable agriculture programs. In Tanzania a new plot of farmland was purchased to allow children and families to begin growing their own food. It is...

"Feeling Full" One family's reflections on the highs (and lows) of Rice & Beans Month written by Jen Johnson Although our family initially seemed excited for the beginning of Rice & Beans Month, it quickly became apparent that our excitement was more about the “idea” of Rice &...

Welcome to Rice and Beans Month 2013! As you start the month keep in mind that the choices you make to simplify your meals this month are changing lives in East Africa and have the potential to change your life as well. As you kick off...

Just a week ago, I was sitting next to Mariam in Tanzania. When her mouth wasn't full of food, it was usually turned into a smile. Most of my friends don't like to have their picture taken when they are eating. Mariam didn't seem to...